by pettrainingtips | All, Homepage blog, News & Events
how to introduce reactive dogs to new people safelyIntroducing reactive dogs to new people requires careful planning and execution to ensure a positive experience and minimize the risk of negative behaviors. Effective introductions can prevent fear-based reactions and... by pettrainingtips | All, Homepage blog, News & Events
puppy socialization: introduce your puppy to handlingMany dogs feel anxious about handling and restraint, especially if they find new experiences scary or if they have had bad past experiences. They may associate being held still with something unpleasant about to...
by pettrainingtips | All, Homepage blog
using non-food reinforcers for outdoor trainingWhen you are training outdoors, there are many distractions competing for your dog’s attention. To compete effectively, try asking your dog for small behaviors and make your reinforcement substantial. Reinforcers do not...
by pettrainingtips | All, Homepage blog, News & Events, shelter, target training
Training in the Shelter: Harness DesensitizationWalking a dog with a harness is safer and more comfortable than walking a dog with a traditional collar. However, many dogs are afraid of having a harness put over their heads. Shelter dogs are often already stressed, so...
by pettrainingtips | All, calm greetings, dog trainer foundations, Homepage blog, News & Events
helping a dog that jumpsHave you ever been embarrassed by your dog jumping up to greet a stranger? Jumping is one of the most common challenges that pet parents face—it is also one of the most difficult behaviors to break. Dogs repeat behaviors that earn rewards, and...
by pettrainingtips | All, Amber Quann, Homepage blog
adding distractions to foundational skillsWhen they are in unfamiliar or demanding environments, many dogs find it challenging to exhibit learned behaviors. While a dog may settle reliably and quietly at home, the same behavior may appear to be entirely forgotten in a...