Okay, so you just bought that cute female puppy that you’ve been eyeing on for months. Now, what are you planning to do with her? Are you thinking about teaching her new tricks? If you are, then as early as now, you must accustom her to being handled for grooming and veterinary care so she’ll respond nicely. Whenever you have free time, take her in your lap and gently brush her.

Speak to her softly and say words like, “That feels good, doggie, right?” Then, stroke her paws and simply run your fingers through her. That way she will learn that touch is pleasant and not something that is frightening. Once you are able to handle her well, it will not be that difficult to start teaching her new tricks like making her obey your “sit”, “wait or stay”, and “do not jump” commands. Anyway, here are some useful dog obedience training tips for you.

For the “Sit” Command

This is actually one of the easiest tricks to teach and often the most useful. Since your pet is still a puppy, as early as now, you must teach her how to obey the sit command because it is a great way to reinforce your status as her leader. How to do it? First, you have to get her attention. Start by showing her a treat and then slowly move it upward in a way that she has to raise her head for her to see it further. You’ll notice that in order to do this, she will move into a sitting position, just like most dogs do. If she doesn’t do this, slowly push down on her rump while you move your hand back over the head to give her the idea. And once she’s on that sitting position, give her the treat.

For the “Stay or Wait” Command

This one can be more difficult than the sit command as dogs tend to move a lot. To teach your dog to wait or stay, simply place her in a sitting position. Then, hold up your hand, on which the flat of your palm is towards her face, and tell her to wait or stay. Now, move a few steps backward. If she stays where she is, give her words of praise, like “Good girl or good doggie!” But if she moves towards you or away, do not shout at her or punish her. Just put her back in position and start all over again.

For the “Do not jump” Command

A jumping puppy is very cute to look at, but when her size has doubled and she still does a lot of jumping, it will not be too fun at all. So, you must replace that jumping behavior with the sit command. Instead of pushing her away, simply pivot so that she misses you and then tell her to sit. When she obeys, give her praise or a simple treat.

These are just some useful dog obedience training tips that you can keep in mind. Take note, your puppy will be more lovable if she learns how to obey your simple commands.