Elegant Pet Training

Training Your Pet’s

Welcome to Pet Training Tips, where we believe in training pets to be the best they can be. Whether you’re a new pet owner or looking to enhance your furry friend’s skills, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive approach to pet training focuses on positive reinforcement techniques that build trust and strengthen the bond between you and your pet. From basic obedience to advanced tricks, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. Discover the joy of a well-trained pet and unlock their full potential. Choose Pet Training Tips for a happier, well-behaved companion.

Siamese Cats

Siamese Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

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Persian Cats

Persian Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

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Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

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Cat Mythology: Cats as Deity

Cat Mythology: Cats as Deity

Cats as deities are most closely associated with ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had several feline gods and goddesses. Lions were said to guard the great god Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld. The Egyptians had a fascination with lions. They...

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Cat Behavior

Cat Behavior

Cats are known as solitary animals. They don’t hunt communally or share the spoils of a hunt. Sometimes cats with adjoining territories will get together for a pleasant evening grooming session, but on the whole they are not the most social creatures with others of...

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A Short History Of Cats

A Short History Of Cats

It seems strange that there was ever a time when cats were not a part of our lives. It’s been less that 10,000 years since cats swaggered into our lives. Hardly an eye blink in the grand sweep of life on this planet. Why were cats so late to join our team? The simple...

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The Importance of Understanding Your Cat

Are you a new cat owner? If so, there will come a point in time when your cat becomes “just like one of the kids.” However, until that time arrives, it is up to you to understand your cat and the small signals that he or she may be sharing with you. As important as it...

Turkish Angora Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

Using Non-Food Reinforcers for Training Outdoors

using non-food reinforcers for outdoor trainingWhen you are training outdoors, there are many distractions competing for your dog’s attention. To compete effectively, try asking your dog for small behaviors and make your reinforcement substantial. Reinforcers do not...

Dog Training Classes: What You Should Know

The dog is said to be man’s best friend. And so, being a best friend at that, the best thing that anyone can do for his/her pet is to take dog training classes. That’s right! If you happen to have a dog around, it is not enough that you feed it or give it a shelter at...

Siamese Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

Who Says You Can’t Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

To quote the rock band Chicago, they say it’s a hard habit to break. Perpetually stereotyping employment, marriage, and singularity: Age is but a hindrance but not for long. With approximately 15 minutes of training daily for 2 weeks straight, according to The Animal...

A Short History Of Cats

It seems strange that there was ever a time when cats were not a part of our lives. It’s been less that 10,000 years since cats swaggered into our lives. Hardly an eye blink in the grand sweep of life on this planet. Why were cats so late to join our team? The simple...

Raising Kittens

Your cat is expecting kittens. How exciting! Raising kittens can be a highly rewarding and enjoyable experience. What should you expect? What will you need to make sure the little tikes grow up happy, healthy and strong? Let’s start from day one. Most likely, you walk...

How to Introduce Reactive Dogs to New People Safely

how to introduce reactive dogs to new people safelyIntroducing reactive dogs to new people requires careful planning and execution to ensure a positive experience and minimize the risk of negative behaviors. Effective introductions can prevent fear-based reactions and...

Cat Mythology: Cats as Deity

Cats as deities are most closely associated with ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had several feline gods and goddesses. Lions were said to guard the great god Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld. The Egyptians had a fascination with lions. They...

By: Melina Grin

In reply to Sue White. Hi Sue, Thank you for your patience, Melina here from All About Cats Behaviour Team. You are correct, improving your cats’ response to general foot handling is the starting point. Here’s a wonderful video by International Cat Care of paw...

The Key To Dog Training

For most people, dog training training is a difficult process. Well, it could be if you don’t know the proper way to do it. Take note that it can also be stressful on the part of your dog and therefore the speed of his learning process will totally depend on how you...

Useful Dog Obedience Training Tips

Okay, so you just bought that cute female puppy that you’ve been eyeing on for months. Now, what are you planning to do with her? Are you thinking about teaching her new tricks? If you are, then as early as now, you must accustom her to being handled for grooming and...

Cat Behavior

Cats are known as solitary animals. They don’t hunt communally or share the spoils of a hunt. Sometimes cats with adjoining territories will get together for a pleasant evening grooming session, but on the whole they are not the most social creatures with others of...

From Fearful to Engaged: Expanding the Training Conversation

from fearful to engaged: expanding the training conversationHow can you quickly transform a dog from growling and avoiding people to a willing participant in a training dialogue? The answer is skillful application of behavior science! Animal control brought Misty into...

Training Dog Obedience Using Hand Signals

Are you doing some dog obedience training to fix your dog’s behavior problems? If you are, then you must use hand signals in addition to verbal commands that you want your pet to follow. The hand signals work most of the time, especially when your pet cannot hear...

Helping a Dog That Jumps

helping a dog that jumpsHave you ever been embarrassed by your dog jumping up to greet a stranger? Jumping is one of the most common challenges that pet parents face—it is also one of the most difficult behaviors to break. Dogs repeat behaviors that earn rewards, and...

Let Your Dog Attend A Dog Obedience School Training

Do you own a pet dog? If you do, are you able to make it obey the basic dog commands like sit, stay, come, or heel up? Good if you say yes, but if no, then it’s time you let your dog attend dog obedience school training. Although some dog owners attempt to train their...

Deworming Multiple Cats

Ah yes, everyone’s favorite pet chore. One day you clean your cats’ box and discover little white chunks of what appear to be cooked spaghetti lodged in the feces, that is, until one starts to move. You know then that it’s time to deworm your cats. If your...

A Dog’s Faith And Loyalty Are Not Unquestioning

It is often said of dogs that they are the real “dumb animals” of the popular cliche. This is said unquestioningly, despite the fact that dogs can provide incredible help in terms of guiding the blind, finding drugs and explosives, and guarding their family in a...

Adding Distractions to Foundational Skills

adding distractions to foundational skillsWhen they are in unfamiliar or demanding environments, many dogs find it challenging to exhibit learned behaviors. While a dog may settle reliably and quietly at home, the same behavior may appear to be entirely forgotten in a...

How To Choose The Best Dog Training School

Who doesn’t want a well behaved dog? This can be achieved by no other than dog training training. However, having your pet trained the right way may not be that easy for you. You may have a very busy schedule or you simply don’t have the patience to pull things over....

Tips On How To Select A Dog Obedience Trainer

You should know how integral the steps are in choosing a dog obedience trainer. Your dog is like a child who will be going to school and spend the day with his teacher. Thus, you must ensure that the institution will be convenient for your pet and that he will be...

Basic Commands For Dog Training

Are you bored with your dog who knows only three commands? Don’t fret, my friend! You could probably use a little jazz. Specific command words are not that difficult and important. The thing here should be the consistency of its usage. My friend, Wiki, here can give...

Persian Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

Training in the Shelter: Harness Desensitization

Training in the Shelter: Harness DesensitizationWalking a dog with a harness is safer and more comfortable than walking a dog with a traditional collar. However, many dogs are afraid of having a harness put over their heads. Shelter dogs are often already stressed, so...

Dog Obedience Training: Being the Boss

Dogs are naturally pack animals. This means they need an alpha to lead them in their everyday lives, and this also means the owner must act alpha; that the dog should consider you as the boss for the training training to proceed smoothly. Individual dogs vary in...

Karen Pryor Academy Unveils Game-Changing Virtual Format for Dog Trainer Professional Program

karen pryor academy unveils game-changing virtual format for dog trainer professional program[Boston, MA, February 6, 2024]—Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) is excited to announce the launch of a revolutionary fully online format for its esteemed Dog Trainer Professional...

Dog Training On Come Or Recall Command

The arrival of a young dog is always an exciting moment for everyone in the family. Kids and adults alike take turns in playing and adoring him. The puppy is always fun to touch and play with and has the tendency to be the center of attention in the household. You...

How Kittens Learn to Hunt

Cats have been famous for hunting mice and rats for as long as cats and people have been together. As strange as it may seem to some people, cats are not born knowing how to hunt. It is a skill they learn from watching their mothers. If the mother cat is a good...

Tools Of The Trade

A dog will respond to training, if the person training it has the knowledge and perseverance to make it happen. This kind of perseverance can be hard to come by, and it can be difficult to be patient. There is a lot of training that can be done simply by what nature...

Tips for Understanding Your Cat

Are you a new pet owner? If you have just purchased a new cat, you may be excited! After all, you should be. Owning a cat is a huge responsibility, but it is one that is filled with many great rewards. There is nothing better than seeing love and compassion in the...

October KPA CTP of the Month: Robin Horemans

october 2024 KPA CTP of the MonthRobin Horemans, KPA CTP, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is a dedicated animal trainer and owner of Parrot SOS. While her primary focus is working with parrots, she also has experience training dogs. Since graduating from the Karen...

What Is Problem Behavior?

Many dog owners at one time or another become frustrated with their dog due to its behavior. There may be many reasons for this. It could be that the dog is destroying things through constant scratching and gnawing, or that it is going to the toilet in the house. It...

Significant Information About Dog Obedience Training

A dog is one of the most amazing pets to have. Actually, it’s even considered as man’s best friend. Owning one has a lot of benefits. It does not only help guard one’s house but also makes a great companion. Even those couples that don’t have a child yet consider...

You Reap What You Sow

Dogs in general have a tendency to follow their instincts and their influences. Canine behavior is something that has given countless experts reason to write countless books, and as far and wide as you go you are unlikely to find an expert who advocates an aggressive...

September KPA CTP of the Month: Keira Moore

september 2024 KPA CTP of the MonthKeira Moore, PhD, BCBA-D, KPA CTP, is a trailblazer in the world of animal training, combining her expertise in behavior analysis with a passion for helping animals and their owners. Based in Escondido, California, Keira is the owner...

By: Mallory Crusta

In reply to Niki. Hi Niki, that’s a great question. You may need to get your cat used to it over the course of a week or two. You can start by putting a little cat toothpaste on your finger and letting your cat lick it off, so he gets used to the taste. Never use...

Dog Obedience Training: Developing A Well-Trained Dog

Have you seen the movie “Marley and Me“? If you have, then you’ve seen how annoying Marley can be. He’s the type of dog that any dog trainer will not be too happy to meet. He pees everywhere, chews on the living room set, and jumps on people. Actually, his owner,...

The Benefits Of Doing It Yourself

There are people, many of them, who make a living from training dogs. They will take your dog for a period of time each week and teach it commands, behaviors and tricks that will make you clasp your hands in joy, and yet the thing about this is that most people don’t...

Finding The Right Animal Trainer Or Dog Training School

Fact: Dog is man’s best friend. But, will you still consider your dog your best friend if it keeps on peeing everywhere, chewing on every furniture you have, eating more dog foods than the usual, and making a complete mess out of your room, garden, and home in...

All The Help You Can Get To Train Your Dog

No-one is about to claim that training a dog is an easy thing to do. Dogs are animals with personalities, and whether or not those personalities are amenable to training, they will present different challenges with each different dog. It cannot be denied that some are...

How Your Dog Will Communicate With You

So many people speak about their dogs in terms of how they wish they were. If you had a dollar for every time you had heard or said the words “If only he/she could talk, the stories we would hear“, you’d probably be a very rich dog owner. But if dogs could talk, would...

Insights On Dog Training

A dog is said to be man’s best friend. Most people like to keep them as pets because they are capable of guarding their possessions as well as keeping them safe at all times. However, what most pet owners fail to understand is that their dogs need to go through the...

Things You Should Learn About Dog Obedience Training

As pets, dogs are not only meant to be confined at home. There are chances when you have to take them out for a walk or bring them to any destination. Even more, the dog needs to learn the proper behavior despite being kept at home. Socializing is one skill that he...

Dog Obedience House Training – How To Go about It

House training is a very important phase in a dog’s life. It secures the tight bond and good relationship between the master and the dog. Experts advice that house training must start while the dog is young. In this sense, your pet’s misbehavior will be corrected at...

Can Speaking And Singing Stop A Nuisance Barker?

How do you stop a nuisance barker? Easy: Teach them how to "speak" and "sing". This might be more interesting for bothersome humans, but just way cuter for canines. All types of dogs, may it be size or breed, can be easily taught to speak. The way for it to go is to...

Dog Obedience Games In Dog Training

While many dog owners rely on dog trainers and dog obedience schools to help turn their dogs into well-trained pets, there are a few who found simpler means to make their dogs obey what they want them to do. One of which is by using dog obedience games. These are...

Tips For Dog Obedience Training

If you keep a dog either for sporting, competing, or simply for leisure, you probably know how significant it is to have him go through dog obedience training. A pet dog that is well behaved is always pleasurable to take along because he is less likely to go wild and...

Dog Training Classes: Some Things To Remember

Thinking about getting a new puppy or dog? If you are, then you might want to consider signing up for dog training classes, especially if you are a first-time dog owner at that. It’s fun to have a dog or puppy around, but that is if the one you got has good manners....

Unusual Cat Breeds

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

Dog Training And Socialization

It is fun to keep a pet at home but it also calls for a couple of obligations to fulfill. Take note that what your dog does is always out of habit. Thus, if you tolerate his bad habits, he will not be able to outgrow them. It will be you who will suffer in the end....

March KPA CTP of the Month: Erin Gianella

march 2024 KPA CTP of the MonthErin Gianella, KPA CTP, runs her business Perfect Pals Dog Training in the Denver, Colorado, area. She specializes in leash reactivity and helping humans understand the value of positive reinforcement training. The philosophy that Erin...

Dog Training – A Guide To Behavior Training

Do you have a pet dog? Have you thought about getting him into dog training behavior training? You are wrong if you think it is a daunting task to get on with because contrary to what most people would say, the training itself is no rocket science and easy to...

Puppy Socialization: Introduce Your Puppy to Handling

puppy socialization: introduce your puppy to handlingMany dogs feel anxious about handling and restraint, especially if they find new experiences scary or if they have had bad past experiences. They may associate being held still with something unpleasant about to...

Maine Coon Cats

Are you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you would...

Teaching a Release Cue

teaching a release cueAs important as it is to teach your dog basic behaviors such as “sit” and “stay,” it’s equally as important to teach a release cue to let the dog know when he can release from his current position. Not only a useful training tool, a solid release...

Basic Nutrition For Cats

Cats are what are known as obligate carnivores. An obligate carnivore is one that must east meat. You cannot just turn her out to graze in a pasture. The digestive tract of cats has been shortened and optimized proteins from meat. They simply don’t have the dental or...

A Happy Dog Is A Well-Behaved Dog

In our society, there is a tendency to have a political response to most things. Many people are of the opinion that criminals transgress due to an unhappy home life or a poor upbringing. Comfort and discomfort are a major part of the influence that affects a person’s...

Let’s Go For A Walk!

Why should dogs have all the fun? Many indoor cats would love to go outside and enjoy the sun but it is often far too dangerous to let them simply wander about as they please. Busy roads, large dogs and careless people are hazards many of us don’t want our cats...

How To Master Dog Training

Dogs are no doubt man’s best friends. They are definitely fun to be with and make great companions. Sometimes, they are even considered as part of the family. It certainly feels great to be walking with a dog around either just within the neighborhood or along the...